Wednesday, June 30, 2010
June 30, 2010
June 29, 2010
June 28, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
June 27, 2010

We had the whole beach to ourselves and we spent a while sitting around until he finally got in the water. I found some seaglass and some really weird… things. They felt like hard jello and I counted 29 in a small strip on the beach.. I have no idea what they are…

June 26, 2010
We came home and he swam in the pool while I read the book my mom sent me. He was pretty good and relaxed all morning and took a short siesta before heading to the Aigua Blava beach for lunch with some of the family. Leila decided to take the day off and put Ignacio in charge and he was pretty tickled by the idea and kept asking me if this was something mothers would do. Paul sat nicely throughout the meal and I only had to run after him once when he followed his cousin to the beach.
As soon as I finished my paella and lobster I took him to go swimming. The water was so clear and beautiful and it tempted me to go in but I stayed on the shore and watched the scuba diving class and still contemplated on why all the ugly people were topless. I decided that when I get married I’ll go topless on the beach too… as long as no one knows me but me and my husband. It will be nice to have no tan lines!

The rest of the evening was relaxing and we hung out at the pool with baby Gabriella who is just adorable. After Paul ate dinner he became obsessed with eggs. He kept taking them out of the fridge and bringing them to his grandmother and she didn't know what to do so she just told him all about eggs. “Yes, it’s you, me, and the egg”. He went on and on about the eggs until Abuelita scrambled them up for him.
I don't think I have mentioned this before but Paul has very (I mean VERY) bad aim, and he is quite lazy about using the bathroom. I’ve become tired of cleaning up his urine from all over the seat and floor… so I’ve taken after Leila and started aiming for him. It’s quite strange… holding a little penis and aiming it… but I think I’ve got the hang of it. It makes clean up sooo much easier.
After watching the first 90 minutes of the USA v Ghana game Ignacio took Alexia and I up to Begur for a traditional Summer Saturday night. The moon was full and cast a gorgeous yellow river across the ocean and Alexia couldn’t stare at it enough. In Begur there were musicians and dancers and vendors everywhere. I bought a gorgeous ring that has a small shell on it and Ignacio bought us ice cream before heading home for the night.
June 25, 2010

I was the last one to get in, I hate cold water and I like to take my time instead of jumping right in.. but once I got in I stayed in for the rest of the time there. Paul became very demanding and different people would get in the water to try and make him happy but for some unknown reason he was in a really bad mood and wouldn’t relax.

Alexia and I did some snorkelling and saw a lot of beautiful fish and enjoyed the turquoise water.
When we docked Paul was anxious to go back to the house and get in the pool so we began to walk back when he got sidetracked and wanted to swim at La Roca. So we walked down and he stood by the edge and just started peeing. So gross. So I pushed him in and he got out and was ready to go home. Naughty.
We had a nice lunch and everyone had a siesta. Then it was more pool time for Paul. The other kids were in the pool and playing around so Paul loved the company. Alexia and Laura even joined and got to know the cute neighbor they’ve been admiring for years.Dinner was at Jordi and Marina’s house and we enjoyed watching Spain play Chile in the World Cup match before a delicious paella, cooked by Jordi. I asked Ignacio why his brother knew how to cook and he didn’t and he said Jordi was exceptional.. and Ignacio DOES know how to cook…. Eggs. Nobody enjoyed the game more than Ramon, Paul’s grandfather. I swear he was about to pass out.. he commented on every play and would stand up and get close to the TV and quickly pour more alcohol into his cup so he wouldn’t miss anything. It was pretty hilarious to watch Spain play with the Spaniards. Paul didn’t last til dinnertime and went home with Leila after a few tears.
June 24, 2010

Alexia and I slept until about noon and then Leila came in and woke us up, Paul had been in the pool since 10. We had breakfast and around 2 we went to a beach down the road called Platja Fonda. It was gorgeous, no sand – just small rocks and some larger rocks and they were so hot that Paul stood on other people’s towels to escape the heat. The water, since there was no sand to muck it up, was a crystal clear turquoise and pretty cold. I hung in there with Paul for a while and admired the boats coming in and out and wondering why so many large women prefer to walk around topless.

Ignacio called Leila to inform her and everyone else that he had set the table on his own. So impressive. When we arrived he told me that he indeed set the table and didn’t have any help and that I should inform Fouad, his, of his accomplishment. I tell you, these Spanish men are quite useless. =) We had a nice lunch and Paul swam a little more than fell asleep in the sun on the terrace. Alexia and I took this opportunity to catch up on our sleep as well and I took a well needed 3 hour nap and woke up to the eee-ing sound of Paul enjoying the pool. We had pizza for dinner and Paul was so ready to eat that he put the oven mitts on because he wanted to take it out already and then he actually set the table. Brought the plates and silverware out and sporadically placed then around, and then chucked a handful of napkins and went back to carry in the pizza. It was adorable and we all cracked up watching him. He was great during dinner and we had ice cream for dessert and relaxed until it was time for bed. Alexia and I chatted for a while about her summer plans, future goals, school, friends and social groups before finally falling asleep.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
June 23, 2010
June 21 & 22, 2010