The last 2 days have been pretty low key. On Monday we relaxed at home because around 9 we went to dinner at Paul's grandparents house. They had an American family visiting and the daughter was an exchange student who had lived with them in 1983. So it was nice to speak English to her kids and enjoy a Spanish dinner while watching Spain play in the World Cup and WIN!
Paul LOVES his family and LOVES his grandfather... all night he only wanted Avi to talk to him... sooo cute.
And since Paul went to bed around 11pm we didn't give him any sleeping meds thinking he would just be knocked out.... NOPE! He woke up at 6am... when I finally got up the only thing he wanted to do was people watch by the window.

He went to school and I hung out until around 2 when Toni came and picked me up for my 1st ride on a MOTO!!! I was so scared, but excited... and it turned out to be really fun. He took me to a park designed by Gaudi and there's a house where Gaudi actually lived for 20 years. It was gorgeous, and we only had about 45 minutes until I had to pick up Paul... So one day I'll have to go back!

When Paul got off the bus he was, as expected, exhausted. And he didn't care about me too much but he gave Toni a huge hug!!!!! He is getting sick of us women and he likes being around men.... O well. We walked home and he was soo exhausted and soooo naughty.... and it was time for a haircut. That was a HUGE struggle. He hates getting his hair cut and he complained the whole time... there might have been 2 minutes where he was silent... but his protests soon turned into screams and tears and it was NOT pleasant. So he didn't get to go to the pool. Once we got home I put him in a cold shower to calm him down and he was pretty good the rest of the night.... I tried to get him to take a nap but that didn't work... because we had ANOTHER long night ahead of us...

This was Paul's last day of school! So there was a dinner and dance party at 9 at his school and Leila and I went... he was very excited and almost shy... The dinner was good, I didn't understand the conversations going on at my table so I would sneak over to the kids and hang out with them. Paul was very good! And the other kids were adorable. I made a bunch of little friends who I couldn't understand either but they just like having their hands held.
The kids were all hilarious... the cheered when their friends showed up, when the food came out, when the soda came out... the littlest things make them happy.
The dance party was hilarious... and Paul, like his father, could care less about dancing. He walked around and observed everything and obviously was enjoying it but it was hard to get him to dance. Leila and I on the other hand had MULTIPLE dance partners and spent the whole time dancing. She took a lot of pictures on her phone so I'll have to get them and add them later. I had a great dance partner who was a young man with down syndrome and he LOVED the songs from Grease and knew all the dance moves... SO CUTE! It was a very special night and I left with my face hurting from smiling too much.
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