There is so much to write about and I’m so tired!! Goodthing there’s (another) party going on downstairs to keep me awake… Speaking about being awake – Paul was awake at 5:30am… he doesn’t realize what time it is so it’s hard totell him to go back to sleep because it’s too early.. Alexia was already up studying for her exams so he hung out with her and eventually passed out from 6:30 until when I woke him up around 8…When I picked him up from the bus he didn’t want to do ANYTHING but go home and take a nap… haha… but today was the day Alexia was coming with us to La Rambla! So we went home and rested a little bit before heading out…
And Mr. Cranky wasn’t happy about not being able to stay at home. And I think that since Alexia was with us, he was trying his luck with her. It’s not often that she’s out with Paul like in the way we did today, so it was a learning experience. He was very whiney and stomped his feet the whole way to the metro station. He was also hungry and I had promised him ice cream so I explained (20x) that we had to take the metro first before getting ice cream…

The metro definitely calmed him down. We got to Plaça Catalunya and successfully made it to the gelateria without Paul making a run for McDonalds (which I had also promised him for after our walk). He got chocolate AND vanilla and I got L’intimi… something… that tasted like nutella and straciatella…
They made the ice cream look like a flower… sooo pretty!!!

Since Alexia was with us, I wanted to walk down the side streets instead of staying on the large crowded Rambla road… and we had a nice time getting lost and exploring.

There's lots of graffiti in the old parts of town... on doors mostly... it adds a modern feel to the area but I don't know if I like seeing it EVERY where... Alexia really likes it though!
We got in contact with my friend Toni and he came to meet us at the Boquería ... the famous huge market where you can buy anything. Alexia and I got dried fruit; I got sugared pineapples and lemons and she got unsweetened papaya, kiwi, and mango... its all really good!
Paul really REALLY wanted to go see the geese in the Cathedral.. I knew because he kept trying to drag me into every tall old building he saw... Since Alexia and I didnt know the way.. we had our trusty guide Toni lead the way. Before going inside... we had a really funny time with the bubble people...
Paul was so cute with them... so of course we tipped them. Got inside the Cathedral and hung out for a little... Paul was very good until he wanted to go into the museum part that costs 2€ so of course I wouldn't let him and he had a minor temper tantrum until I reminded him that we were going to MCDONALDS later... the magic words!
So we left... and he asked me a million times to go to McDonalds... aka KA KA KA... haha sooo cute
He was SOOO happy to have his cheeseburgers and nuggets and fries... and of course wanted more. I've figured it out though... when he finishes whatever he's eating.. he isn't full yet because the food hasn't totally hit his stomach... thats why hes always asking me for more food after he's eating a lot already...
We came home and Alexia was so glad to have come with us and meet Toni and hang out with Paul... we are going to do it again soon! And Toni enjoyed hanging out with us and he thinks Paul is funny haha... well who wouldn't!
Paul stayed up reallyyy late... because he was OBSESSED with GLEE!!! I put the show on and he wouldn't let me change the channel... I would get yelled at... and he wouldn't let me turn on a lamp or leave the room... he was in the best mood and laughing hysterically and giggling like crazy. We had to watch 2 hours of Glee... the same episode twice in a row (good thing it was on again). But it was cute and he was happy so I didn't see the need of putting him to bed early.
He also talked on the phone with my mom.... he would press numbers on the phone and put it to his ear... so I called my mom so he could really talk to someone and he thought it was hilarious.. he couldn't sit still and he was so happy and laughing and he kept hanging up on her by accident but he loved it. So cute.
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