Today was rainy... so I stayed inside and finally got this blog started!!!! When I picked up Paul around 3:30 the rain had become a steady drizzle... we walked 10 minutes to the bus with only one stop into a bar where, since I wouldnt buy him anything, he put his arms on an old ladys sholders... aka asking her to get him something haha... she was cute about it.

We went from indoor pool to outdoor pool a few times; and there were some older boys that Paul followed around... he got VERY upset when they were leaving and he cried and cried and cried and i told him that big boys don't like crybabies!!! So he stopped haha and he was fine

Then in the pool he was being naughty and kept swimming in the middle of swim lessons and I warned him before that he wasn't allowed to and I told him repeatedly to get out of their class... So I ended up getting him out of the pool and bringing him to the locker room to come home.... he protested, of course... but the rest of the evening was non stop giggling.
O YEA! I got a really funny text from my new friend Toni... he lives in Barcelona and goes to the same pool club as us... he asked me if my new hairdo was alive...... hahahahahahhaah Alexia and I figured out he meant if my hair survived in the rain... hahah so funny
When we got home I put Paul in the bath and he PEED ON ME!!! It's the 2nd time it's happened... little stinker... but we made him apologize...
I also got an interesting Spanish lesson after dinner from Alexia and Ignacio... its not ICNATHIO... its IGNACIO.... but we talked about the difference between CI and SI... and why Spaniards have that interesting lisp... its not Barcelona.. its BarTHElona....
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